What happens in Greece in February, you may be asking yourself? Certainly, it's not a month for sunbathing, not that we don't have plenty of sun, even in February, but the sea does get a bit nippy for most tourists! For all you tourists who don't think that going on a holiday is only 'sitting on the beach,' you are going to love Greece in February, especially if you love to PARTY! That's right! February is full of fancy dress parties, parades, masks, noise, eating and drinking with friends and, CARNIVAL!
I bet you thought that Carnival time was only a Brazilian invention! Or that Venice was the place to be! Not true! Greece has one of the most colourful and exciting Carnivals in Europe! Actually, there are many places in Greece that have carnival parades, but the biggest Carnival takes place in Patra every year. This year the Carnival Period begins on the 17th February, 2008. This day is called "Triodiou" and it is the day that the Party Begins! From the 17th February, people begin to make their costumes, or buy them from the many shops that have costumes or if you don’t want to buy a costume, you can even rent one. It's really a fun and happy time in Greece!
This year’s big Carnival parade will be held on the 9th of March in 2008. If you haven't booked a yet, it's a good time now to start thinking about doing that! Some of the better in Patra for example, get booked a year in advance. Patra, however, is only a 2 hour drive from Athens, so even staying in Athens for the Carnival time, and driving or going by train or bus to Patra for one day, is an easy option to consider. If you don’t like the big crowds and just want to stay in Athens and visit the many sites and museums, not to worry because there is also a carnival Parade in an Athens’ suburb called Moscato and there are plenty of hotels available in Athens.
I will be telling you where to stay and what to see during the Carnival in Greece everyday here on my Bog, so check back everyday to be sure to get all the inside information about what to do in Greece in February, and especially about Greece's great Carnival.
In the mean time, drive safely, enjoy your life, and don't wait to travel; tomorrow could be too late!